Don't make change too difficult, just begin. 

When looking to make changes in your life I’ve found this to be very important. I’ve definitely  had my share of changes needed to be made. What I have found is that when you want to make a drastic change, the best way to go about it is to JUST START. And start small. I cannot tell you how many clients have come to me for nutrition guidance and wanted to know EVERYTHING that needed to be changed. In the beginning I would tell them everything until I was sick of hearing myself talk, only to see them get overwhelmed and frustrated. That's why I started sitting them down and explaining about the importance of making small, consecutive changes until they felt comfortable with this new lifestyle. 

This can work for anything in life, especially the biggest changes. I know, I’ve been through enough of them and it never fails. So just remember to take one small change of action and as you build the strength and confidence, just keep going!!

Always got your back,

-Suz, City Fit© Pro

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